

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济南 历城区 山大路街道 济南市历城区大桥路263号902室
  • 姓名: 韩经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:生活服务 车辆服务
  • 发布日期:2018-05-26
  • 阅读量:89
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:65865.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东济南历城区山大路街道  
  • 关键词:槐荫区大巴车出租厂家哪家好,槐荫区大巴车出租厂家哪家便宜,槐荫区大巴车出租厂家在哪里


    The most fundamental intention of washing cars is to wash away the stains of cars. It is necessary to wash the water with clean water. Now the car wash detergent used in the car wash shop can be basically divided into three kinds: washing powder, detergent and special car wash. Some owners go to the car wash shop, see the staff wash very seriously, the washing bubbles fly all over the sky, "clean, decontamination" can be very strong, and the dirty car seems to be in no way, washed out from the appearance looks very clean. If you want to know what the car wash shop is for you to wash your car, you can pinch your nose with your fingers and smell the bubbles. Yes, some car wash shops use washing powder to wash cars.
    Washing powder is an alkaline scrubbing agent, which is very harmful to car paints. If you wash your car with washing powder for a long time, the appearance of the car will gradually lose its luster. It is difficult to see the corrosion of the paint on the paints in the short run, so many owners do not know the ferocity. Why did the owner of the car wash know that the washing powder would destroy the car? The basic reason is that washing powder has low cost and quick results. Some of the car wash shop is used to wash the car, and the shopkeeper's purchase is generally similar to the big bucket detergent used in the catering industry. This kind of detergent is still widely used in car wash shops, although it is only a few hundred dollars cheaper than the special car washing liquid.
    A car beauty salon owner said: "special car wash liquid is neutral, it will not harm car paint, but the price is slightly more expensive than detergent. Now the water fee is more and more expensive, and the profit of car washing is also getting lower and lower, so stores are doing everything possible to reduce costs. The boss also revealed a clever trick to see the hands of the car washing workers at the time of washing the car. If the hands of the lathe operator are whitish, it proves that the car washing fluid he used is problematic, which is to wash the car with alkaline detergent for a long time.
    欢迎来到济南弘玺源商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济南历城区济南市历城区大桥路263号902室,联系人是韩经理。 主要经营济南弘玺源客运租赁有限公司根据客户不同需求提供服务,满足客户为企事业单位、院校及个人既定线路的商务租车 考察、参观、会议、展览等包车业务。机场接送、个人、承接省内外旅游包车、单位班车的日租、月租、年租汽车租赁业务。。 单位注册资金未知。 这里价格实惠,这里生活服务齐全,我们的服务有:济南大巴车租赁,汽车租赁,济南客车租赁,济南租车!欢迎前来合作!