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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济南 历城区 山大路街道 济南市历城区大桥路263号902室
  • 姓名: 韩经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:生活服务 车辆服务
  • 发布日期:2018-04-20
  • 阅读量:134
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:45346.00 辆
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东济南历城区山大路街道  
  • 关键词:槐荫区汽车租赁价格,槐荫区汽车租赁价格哪家好,槐荫区汽车租赁价格哪家便宜


    Car washing in the sun - injury car paint?
    Many private car owners like to wash their cars under the scorching sun. They think that after washing, they will soon dry the water on the body. In fact, it is wrong, in the sun, the car wash water droplets made of convex lens effect will make the top of the top of the car paint a part of the high temperature phenomenon, for a long time, the car paint will lose luster. If wax is waxing at the moment, it will also make the body color uneven. Therefore, car washing and waxing are best carried out under sheltered conditions. If there is no guarantee, it is best to choose cloudy or sunny morning and dusk.
    Wash a car like a bath - an air conditioner
    In summer, the temperature rises, the dust increases, the body is simple, the car owners wash the car and the frequency is beginning to rise. But what we should pay attention to here is that we must insist on the dry appearance of the car air conditioner. If the car air conditioner is not carefully wet, it will affect the life of the car air conditioner.
    Circle method waxing - poor effect
    Many people waxing the car body habitually in circles. This is not the right way. The correct method of waxing is in a straight line method, the vertical line alternately, and then according to the direction of rain activity in the final way, so that the ability to reduce the appearance of car paint concentric circular ring effect.
    Too much oil - something wrong
    When the oil is lacking in the oil pan, the friction between the bearing and the neck of the shaft will be less smooth because of the less oil, aggravating the degree of wear and even causing the accident of the burning shaft. However, if the engine oil is too much, the crank handle and the big end of the connecting rod will be agitated sharply in the operation, not only the internal power loss of the initiating machine is added, but also the oil on the cylinder wall will be increased, and the oil burning and discharging will occur. Therefore, the engine oil in the oil pan should be controlled between the upper and lower marks of the oil gauge.
    Bolt tight - permanent deformation
    A lot of fasteners connected with bolts and nuts on a car should be guaranteed to have a satisfactory pre tightening force, but they should not be screwed too tightly. If the tightening is too tight, on one hand, the connector will be permanently deformed under the effect of external force; on the other hand, the bolt will be stretched permanently, and the pretension will decrease, and even the slipping buckle or breaking phenomenon will be formed.
    The fan belt is too tight - the bearing load is big
    When the temperature is too high in summer, some drivers think that the tightness of the fan belt can improve the cooling effect of the initiating machine, so the tightness of the fan belt is improved, and the fan belt is too tight, and it is not clear that this method is wrong. The fan belt should adhere to the appropriate tightness, as a result of too tight, the bearing load is too large, the wear is aggravated, the power consumption is added, and together, the pump shaft will be tortuous, the belt is elongated and the life is shortened.
    Imported tires - not applicable
    Some people especially like to buy "tires". One of the most fatal disadvantages of domestic tyres is that they are not applicable. The road conditions of the smooth road in Europe and the second ring and Third Ring Road in Beijing are quite different. The tire that is suitable for European road conditions is difficult to perform well in Beijing. Especially, the impact resistance of the tire side is obviously somewhat unsatisfied. It is like wearing Italy brand shoes to walk the stone road, and it is unavoidable to start the package on the side of the tire. A number of foreign brands of tyres in domestic joint venture production, according to the domestic road conditions on the side of the tire side added a layer of curtain cloth, and greatly enhance the impact of the side of the tire, joint production of the tire from the performance of the imported goods can be completely replaced.
    The new battery is not charged - shortening the number of life
    The initial charge of the battery is called initial charge, and the initial charge has a great influence on the number of batteries used. If it is not charged, that is, direct use of "water", the capacity of the battery is not high, and the number of days will be shortened; if the charge is directly charged, it will also shorten the life span. The first charge of the general battery is installed after charging the electrolyte, and it can be charged for about 1 hours with a small current.
    Random adding in vehicle - influence driving safety
    The private car is the home of the owner of the car, and it is impossible to find the comfort and luxury of the car. But some owners begin to install various equipment in the car themselves. If the treatment is not properly handled, the convenience and availability of the car will often bring bad influence on the car's performance and maneuvering. It is easy to leave the aftereffects or affect the safety of the vehicle.
    欢迎来到济南弘玺源商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济南历城区济南市历城区大桥路263号902室,联系人是韩经理。 主要经营济南弘玺源客运租赁有限公司根据客户不同需求提供服务,满足客户为企事业单位、院校及个人既定线路的商务租车 考察、参观、会议、展览等包车业务。机场接送、个人、承接省内外旅游包车、单位班车的日租、月租、年租汽车租赁业务。。 单位注册资金未知。 这里价格实惠,这里生活服务齐全,我们的服务有:济南大巴车租赁,汽车租赁,济南客车租赁,济南租车!欢迎前来合作!