

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济南 历城区 山大路街道 济南市历城区大桥路263号902室
  • 姓名: 韩经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:生活服务 车辆服务
  • 发布日期:2018-04-20
  • 阅读量:181
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:87685.00 辆
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东济南历城区山大路街道  
  • 关键词:天桥区汽车租赁哪家便宜,天桥区汽车租赁在哪里,天桥区汽车租赁哪里有


    1. oil
    The most important thing in vehicle maintenance is oil. Some friends will ask, my car is using the oil recommended by 4S shop. Why do you want to talk about it alone? Different oil standards are different in winter. In the cold winter, especially in the northern region, the use of oil that is more suitable for winter can not only help you to launch vehicles more smoothly, but also can reduce the damage caused by the lack of function of the engine oil cold.
    We can often see a combination of numbers and letters on the oil bucket, such as 5W-30, where "W" is the meaning of winter in winter. The smaller the number in front of the "W", the thinner the oil, the better the low temperature mobility, the better the cold launch, the better it can be used in a ring with lower temperature. Our commonly used 5W stands for -30 degrees centigrade and can be launched normally. 0W stands for -35 degrees and can be launched normally. For example, the northeast region, the lowest temperature in winter is basically -30 degrees Celsius to -40 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to choose 0W oil.
    2. antifreeze solution
    Besides oil, there is a very important antifreeze. It is an important part of the cooling system of the engine. In the cold winter, we must use the special antifreeze of car winter, especially in the north climate cold, most of the time temperature is lower than zero. It is assumed that the cooling system of the initiating machine is general water, that is, it will form ice, and the light constitutes the car can not be normally initiated, and the weight constitutes the severe damage of the initiating machine.
    The lower the freezing point of the antifreeze, the stronger the frost resistance will be. Now the freezing point in the market is - 15, - 25, - 30, - 40 C. When the antifreeze is selected, the freezing point is more than 10 degrees lower than the minimum temperature in the address area.
    Many owners in the summer found that the antifreeze fluid has a loss of liquid phenomenon, will be mixed with water to ensure the normal level, and before entering the winter to forget to replace into a special antifreeze, constitute the defects of the initiating machine, so in winter, we must check whether the antifreeze is special for winter. For general family cars, antifreeze is recommended every two years. Another thing is to take care of the color of the antifreeze when replacing, and not mix it with different colors.
    3. glass water
    Because the glass water used in summer is generally not frostproof, and some friends directly use water instead of glass water. But as the climate turns cold, it must be replaced with winter special glass. Because car windshield cleaning is related to driving vision and driving safety, we must not be careless in choosing glass water. The qualified glass water should have the function of cleaning and antifreeze together. The glass water that is not good in freezing effect will make glass water ice in winter, and it will make the small pump motor burn up on the glass water pot.
    The choice of glass water is the same as the antifreeze. The bottle body usually shows the freezing point of glass water, only the ice point is 10 degrees lower than the lowest temperature in the address area.
    欢迎来到济南弘玺源商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济南历城区济南市历城区大桥路263号902室,联系人是韩经理。 主要经营济南弘玺源客运租赁有限公司根据客户不同需求提供服务,满足客户为企事业单位、院校及个人既定线路的商务租车 考察、参观、会议、展览等包车业务。机场接送、个人、承接省内外旅游包车、单位班车的日租、月租、年租汽车租赁业务。。 单位注册资金未知。 这里价格实惠,这里生活服务齐全,我们的服务有:济南大巴车租赁,汽车租赁,济南客车租赁,济南租车!欢迎前来合作!